Dogs in the Forum
Dogs in the Forum is a web app for play-by-post roleplaying using the Dogs in the Vineyard system by D. Vincent Baker. It is built using Javascript, specifically Node.js and React, to be almost entirely client side. The "backend" is provided by Firebase, using their key-value store database to track user data and interactions.
I built this partially to satisfy a desire to return to playing more table-top roleplaying games, but the distance between members of my play group and finding time when we could all play proved to be too much of a hassle. The idea was that this would provide an area where we could play at our own pace.
The architecture choices I made here were mostly about being able to rapidly iterate and deploy those changes to users. Javascript allows quick changes to be made available to users with a browser refresh and the entire app can be statically served from anywhere. Firebase provides me with database and authentication functions without needing to spend time building an entire backend for a low-value personal project.